- Find and Do More
in Amador, Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties

Help & Tips

Enhanced Listings on doPlaces

What are the Paid/Enhanced Listing benefits?

Why pay for an enhanced listing? Because there is a lot of stuff in our area and you want to be noticed!

doPlaces lists everything - so it can be hard for potential customers to see your "tree" among doPlaces' "forest" of listings.

  • Enhanced listings can include up to 12 images - your photos/graphics stand out and give a more personable/professional look to your listing.
  • Ad Banners - a highly visible banner (800x40) will accompany your entries. (one of the 12 images)
  • Enhanced listings will be included on the top of the starting, search and find results! (random selection, so even if visitors don't search for you listing could show up)

The cost is very minimal - friendly for local businesses
Just $20 a month or $50 a quarter - prepay up to one year.

(refunds are prorated on the payment made and months remaining)

Contact me for more details or if you have questions at

updated: 05/08/2019